I am very excited to report that after a tumultuous number of months, our bro Randy Blythe is finally FREE of all charges. We couldn't be happier that he can now put this ordeal behind him and get back to living his life. I posted a link below to a very well written article & interview they did wi…
Blog posts : "metal"
“Let My People Go - FREE RANDY”
After spending the past week either sick in bed or running around sick like a crazed headless chicken and thus way far out of the ‘need to know’ loop I felt compelled to change the topic of this Friday’s column to instead comment on a very serious matter that recently happened to a friend of many of…
Pre Menstrual Syndrome, Pre Marital Sex, or how about Pardon My Screaming… No, no, wait I got it! Pro Metal Singer! The reality is women have taken over the reins when it comes to playing with the boys in this game called metal, rock and all genres in between singing, screaming and performing are …
3 blog posts