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Blog posts : "colorado"

"Presidency, Pot & The American Way"


Why am I saying this?  Well, cause Obama won back the presidency!...  The less of two evils.

Now most know I despise politics and could give 2 shits about which devil is elected into office cause either way someone is gonna fuck something up and either way we are all fucked anyhow.   …

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"A Moment Of Silence & Day To Reflect..."

~Never Forget~ 7/20/12

Due to the recent tragedies in Aurora, CO I decided to forgo a new article this Friday and instead offer a day to remember the countless victims of this tragedy that occurred on 7/20/12 @ 12:38 am MST.  If you haven’t heard about what took place you are living way too far in the dark.

On 7…

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2 blog posts