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"The Golden Rule"

Boy this PSA is gonna sound real familiar but get ready for the assault- it's just one of those days!

I have little respect for grown ass adults who have no real communication skills, accountability and respect for others. If you are that emotionally stunted and immature that you find it okay to disrespect people or are generally too chicken shit to treat others with the simplest of common courtesy and consideration, you should really check yourself and the human being you are!

Time to turn it around and put those feet of yours in another's shoes, maybe do onto others as you want done to you. So, how does it make you feel when people treat you badly for no just reason, lie to you, ignore you 👻, treat you like yesterday's garbage and so on?... My guess is you hate it. So then why treat others in ways you yourself would despise? Maybe time for some of y'all to time travel back to elementary school and learn some simple life lessons all over again. 👌🏼

Rant over. Continued energy spent for said asshats, also over. Don't let the door hit ya!

#zerofucks #thegoldenrule  
© 12/07/22 Renee Lopez

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