Why am I saying this? Well, cause Obama won back the presidency!... The less of two evils.
Now most know I despise politics and could give 2 shits about which devil is elected into office cause either way someone is gonna fuck something up and either way we are all fucked anyhow. But I do believe of the two candidates this year, the better (less evil cock sucker) won. Thus i'm hopeful and frankly I genuinely like Obama as a person. So my *fingers are crossed* that he gets to business on trying to make things right.
But I will also say this...
Like many others id actually like to see Clinton back in office. Hell, when he was President things were smooth sailing and really if all that took was Bill gettin a few blowies under the desk than so be it; im all for it! So on that note, Bring Billy back!!! hahaha
Furthermore, I just laughed hysterically when I found out that good ol' CO legalized recreational pot smoking! Some know that I actually lived in CO for a number of years before moving to CA. I remember back in the prime of my hay days in the 90's fighting on Capitol Hill in Denver with activist Ken Gorman and every other stoner waiting for this day to happen and now that it has it dont do me no damn good! hahaha dammit. Well im sure there will be plenty of people, potheads alike that will appreciate this bill if it actually stays as a passed measure.
So to everyone in the nation, god help us all.
© 11/06/12 Renee Lopez