Pre Menstrual Syndrome, Pre Marital Sex, or how about Pardon My Screaming… No, no, wait I got it! Pro Metal Singer! The reality is women have taken over the reins when it comes to playing with the boys in this game called metal, rock and all genres in between singing, screaming and performing are not just for the faint of heart now. So move over boys, the ladies are comin’ to rock this town!
As a touring musician, crazy New Yorker and a woman who is sure she has blood pooling in the shape of music notes, I’ve been putting my heart & soul into music for over 2 decades… Damn I’m old! Anyways, facts are facts and the simple fact is I sure as hell aint goin anywhere anytime soon, no way no how! Dedication, desire, perseverance are just a few of the things that keep some of us trucking. Through the critics, insults and non-believers, the only way to the top is to keep on performing.
From my stand point I believe one of the biggest pet peeves is trying to sway the naysayers into taking us seriously. The ones that still live in a world where tour busses appear as wagons and women are labeled as June Clever or Jenna Jameson not Joan Jett. NO I will not be giving you head nor will I wash your sheets and I certainly will not wipe your ass, why, because I’ve earned my place in society and on this stage! The crappy case is there will always be outdated, ass backward mentalities from those that can’t see past the Parcheesi era, but it is what it is. We come from different walks of life, thought processes, backgrounds, but how bout some credit eh? I think anyone willing to risk looking like a fool all just to get up on a stage in front of 5 people or 15,000 people should get a firm pat on the back. If the heart and desire are in sync with the need to fill others with the soul of music this outweighs the rest of the bullshit; that’s half the battle.
Now I can’t let all the women get off too easy either… Please let me begin by covering a very poignant topic. Just because you can dress like a slut, does not make you a metal singer!! Not a singer, writer, performer, nada. You give the rest of us with any dedication and talent a bad name so please do a favor and reconsider why you are here. I understand sex sells but there are ways to sell it, so if you want to be taken seriously consider your approach. I do think there is a difference between being sexy, being different and being a slore. (The music in my mind rings… Shot thru the heart and your to blame darling u give us a bad name) After all you wanted sexy & brutal didn’t you? Well you got it!
We can play any part, bang our heads, fit any mold, wear any costume, bullshit a bull-shitter or perform like a monkey in heels. But when it comes down to what’s real, attitude or not I am who I am, we are who we are, take it or leave it. We’ve paid dues with the rest just trying to pave our way. Hell we even abide by the #2 rules of the road. We bunk up with the boys on what’s sure to be another rock ‘n’ roll adventure, we’ve slept in sardine cans, on dirty floors, on top of groupies, tripped over cords, fell off stage, played off key and even sang like some pre-pubescent teens. The puke, the drama, the money we’ve spent, sheer insanity some may call it or as we do it’s just another day in the office. You don’t have to like me, my band, whatever. You don’t even have to download our music for free. But facts are facts we are busting ass and the unwavering support from our fans is priceless.
Music is life, my life and that of many others. It has saved me. It’s always been there, always given me purpose, allowed for complete expression and the memories are forever irreplaceable. No one can stop me from making music, no one. How about you?
All we want is to be true to what we do, be allowed to do what we want and get that applause at the end of the day cause hell we earned it and there is nothing better. It’s not just 28 days of Mother Nature rearing her angry head; it’s us, the women of rock causing sheer terror. Town to town, state to state, country to country in roughly 28-31 days a month rest assured, we will be coming to a town near you.
© 06/01/12 Renee Lopez