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“I’m Not So Crazy After All, Are You?”

I told you all I owed ya some ranting didn’t I?  Well here's a lil mid-week goodie for ya!  Also be on the lookout for a spicy new article on Friday!!  ;)

 So here's a lil fun info I hadn’t yet shared.  I’ve always been interested in Psychology and trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with people (good luck right?).  So after a number of years I finally decided what the hell, as if I wasn’t busy enough, why not hit the college for one semester and take a Psych class.  So that’s what I did.  I started this past August for the fall semester and only got a lil over a month left to go; so far so good!  It’s only one night a week which has been chill and still leaves plenty of time for music, business, etc but there has definitely been a lot of work to do!  My teacher is nice, but kinda worthless and I’m sick and tired of everyone speaking spanish, assuming I know what the fuck they are talking about (teacher included).  May I remind you I live in the USA; English 1st please.  Over the past few months I’ve had the "pleasure" of getting grouped up with a few stupid youngsters (not by choice) on a few projects and found it beyond annoying that my grade on these projects was reliant on these kids using a brain they clearly don’t have.  Most everyone knows my patience when it comes to common sense and stupidity...  Yea, no comment; and mind you folks this is the future of America and frankly id be scared, (Did I mention I feel kinda old, wise and ornery in this class?  Kinda like Jeff Dunham's doll Walter).   Anyways, much to my amazement (or maybe not) up to this point I’m actually acing the class (go figure).  ;)

 So we just recently started a project doing a mass eval on our personalities which has been very interesting and enlightening to say the least.  Most things I already knew about myself, some things I was like, “Really, no shit?”  But just as I always thought that I was beyond unique and somewhat of an enigma, I finally got my confirmation that I’m indeed a very special mo fo after all and we ain’t talkin no yellow short bus either!  Apparently only approx. 3% of population has this personality type that I have so all I gotta say at this point is...  BOOYAH!

LMFAO…  Clearly you can see all joking aside that this really has not just been amusing the shit outta me but I’m also really enjoying my time taking this class and learning more intel and for someone who once hated school it’s been refreshing to enjoy the college courses I’ve taken thus far but of course it’s because it’s mainly about choice now and not forced conformation.

So on that note I’m curious, how many of you have actually taken a personality test?  Do any of you know your personality type?? (That lil four letter answer)  Hell, I’m curious so let’s compare notes shall we

You can check out this link to take a great personality type test which is one of the links we use in class.  It’s FREE so have at it!


 Let me know how it goes; leave your comments below.



Ms. Special Pants- ENFJ


© 11/07/12 Renee Lopez



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