

with RLo

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"Tell Your Bullshit To Take A Walk!"

I often wonder if I treated people the same way they treat me with the same amount of disrespect, apathy, disloyalty, constant excuses and bullshit and overall just frankly not giving 2 fucks about anything concerning anyone, would they be upset being treated that way in return or would they be totally cool with it and just assume that's normal behavior of a good person or friend because that's what ...they believe is right...  I know some people are baffled by bullshit but you can't bullshit a bullshitter.  There's this interesting old concept that I think most everyone learned back when we were lil kids, something about 'Do onto others as you'd want done to you'...  I wonder whatever happened to all that or maybe it just turned into a new evil game called an eye for an eye tooth for fuckin tooth.  Which would be better?


© 04/26/12 Renee Lopez

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