Anyone who knows me well knows that I hate bugs! If ya wanna see me really act girlie, watch me around a bee or some lurking arachnoids and you’ll get the idea. I don’t do bugs, reptiles and most amphibians… But let’s get back to being buggy. Some people kill em’, some set em’ free and some peopl…
Blog posts September 2012
“My Fucked Week & A Shit Sandwich”
Hey everyone... So lemme give ya a rundown of why I’ve been MIA the past few weeks and why you didn’t receive last two Fridays Rant’s on time and now this Fridays due to lovely power outages. It’s been a very rough 2 weeks or so to say the least. Hell it’s a rough fuckin life and every day it see…
I’ll never quite understand how a woman could abuse, hurt or kill her child. I was just watching the news about a lady who strangled and threw her 7mos old baby out a window to die like a piece of fiery trash. To make matters even more unimaginable, she pretends to show emotion like she lost someo…
3 blog posts