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Blog posts July 2012

"I Suppose The Lord Works In Mysterious Ways..."

OK... By far one of the trippiest things that has ever happened to me just took place a few moments ago (dont judge me). I jetted over to Panda Express to grab some lunch. Im literally in lazy ass mode with no makeup, sweats and a ponytail (you know these kinds of days ladies). Anyhoo, 1st thing. As…

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"A Moment Of Silence & Day To Reflect..."

~Never Forget~ 7/20/12

Due to the recent tragedies in Aurora, CO I decided to forgo a new article this Friday and instead offer a day to remember the countless victims of this tragedy that occurred on 7/20/12 @ 12:38 am MST.  If you haven’t heard about what took place you are living way too far in the dark.

On 7…

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"Gimme a 'V'... Gimme Some More Volbeat Dammit!"

Volbeat... Why oh why can I not stop listening to this!?

Ya know up to this point in my life I know of so so many.  I’ve heard so many bands, artists, etc. but yet I still couldn’t believe somehow that I didn’t know everyone or hadn’t heard everything but apparently I was fuckin wrong.  Go figure…

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“Don’t Be Tardy For My Party Or I’ll Kick Your Ass!”

Is being punctual a thing of the past?  Is showing up at all for people even more dissolute?  What the hell happened to the days of old when people actually enjoyed one another’s company.  Ya know the simple joys in life of just spending time with others conversing and laughing, etc.  The days where…

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“Let My People Go - FREE RANDY”

Free Randy Blythe, vocalist for Lamb Of God.After spending the past week either sick in bed or running around sick like a crazed headless chicken and thus way far out of the ‘need to know’ loop I felt compelled to change the topic of this Friday’s column to instead comment on a very serious matter that recently happened to a friend of many of…

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5 blog posts