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Blog posts June 2012

"Really; How Are You?"

Do you think people really want the unadulterated truth?  Do you think people really want to know how you are when they ask?  How many of us lie in response to that kind of question.  Like 'Hi, how are you'?  ‘I’m good thanks and you?'  When what you really are thinking is, 'Well I’m pretty damn shi…

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"Rub Me Tender"

This past father’s day I experienced a bit of an awkward day.  True to form I almost posted about the days events on my social whore networking sites but thought sharing it here sounded much more appealing and might as well give you all a good laugh at my expense.  A few weeks ago I decided to jump …

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“Who Are You?... And Where The Hell Are My Underwear!?”

Do you ever wonder what becomes of your drawers after a night of cheap meaningless fornication?  Of course given you still have them on in the first place and they’re not hanging from the rafters of some dive bar with peanut shells on the floor.  It’s hard to imagine that a teeny weenie or sometimes…

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"Shake Your Money Maker"

HELLO!  My proverbial penis is now hard.  Damn you MTV for showing a sneak peek of this new movie that I never even heard of called “Magic Mike”.  All I really needed to know was that there were half naked hotties running around which was well enough to peak my filthy curiosity.  While my brain deci…

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“Just You, Me & The Music”

I’ve been lucky to have many a great thing inspire me in my lifetime where music was concerned.  From a young age music of many genres, more importantly metal and rock, helped me feel like I fit in; like nothing else mattered.  I was one with the music and it’s been that way ever since.


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"Is There A Party In Your Pants Or Are You Just Happy To See Me?"

Seriously, let’s just dive into this head first.  Who in god’s name came up with the thought of decorating a vagina for fun?  What am I speaking of…



Yes you heard that right.


Can someone please tell me how bored, stupid and otherwise looped these women (and i…

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Pre Menstrual Syndrome, Pre Marital Sex, or how about Pardon My Screaming… No, no, wait I got it!  Pro Metal Singer!  The reality is women have taken over the reins when it comes to playing with the boys in this game called metal, rock and all genres in between singing, screaming and performing are …

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7 blog posts